Let's have a look at the WHY, WHEN, and HOW feedback should be shared.

❓Why should feedback be provided?

⏰When should feedback be provided?

🤷‍♀️How to give feedback?

  1. Feedback needs to be personal and genuine – it should not be forced or done just to check a box. Share it when it truly feels necessary;
  2. Specific – be detailed when you share your gratitude;
  3. Frequent – share the feedback instantly. Even for menial tasks;
  4. Visible – everyone wants their peers and leaders to know about their accomplishments;
  5. Inclusive – all employees should have an open channel to share and receive feedback;
  6. Connected to purpose – when sharing feedback always consider if this praise is somehow connected to the company’s goals, vision, or culture;
  7. And if feedback in your company is already stable – bring it to another level by making the feedback value-driven.
