These are the top searched technical questions about Peero App

When to delete a user from the system?

We delete the user only if an incorrect e-mail has been entered, other corrections can be made using Edit.

How to delete an employee who is no longer working?

We don't delete employees from Peero, we use the Edit button and change the status from Active to Inactive. (In the case of AD synchronization, this happens automatically).

The employee has not received a registration invitation. Check Spam / Junk email, resend invitation by clicking on the envelope next to the employee's name in the Manage Users section.

The invitation email is not working. Check which web browser is in use (they all work except Internet Explorer). The first invitation is valid for 7 days, if it was not approved, a new invitation must be sent by clicking on the envelope next to the employee's name in the Manage Users section

***Employee's last name changed and therefore also e-mail.***In case of e-mail change, please send an application to [email protected] indicating which employee's e-mail has changed and include the new one. Within 24h, the data will be migrated to the new email.

Employee Excel import file does not work. Before uploading employee data, please make sure that no formatting changes have been made to the excel file: for example bold, colors, frames, etc. If it does not work, please contact [email protected]

I can't access Peero through a web browser. Peero. the app is available through Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Edge. Please do not use Internet Explorer.